Solving quality control in ceramic tile manufacturing

24 Nov 2022



  • When checking whether a ceramic tile is in tone or not, a specialist visually contrasts the tone of the model tile with that of the pieces coming out of the furnace

  • The same printing settings can vary the final tone, as this tone is influenced by a multitude of variables that cannot be controlled (composition of the clay,humidity, convection currents in the furnace, etc.)

The Challenge

  • Our customer looked for a solution that could automatically identify whether apiece coming out of the furnace was in tone or not

  • Then, if the tile was not in tone, the colourimetric inputs were to be automatically readjusted, in order not to lose the production quality

The Approach

  • Tone quality model: algorithm that uses colour histograms to compare the piece coming out of the furnace with the model, and check with the error margins allowed in the control set

  • Print control model: Deep Learning model that changes the printing inputs when, due to some unidentified change, there is a set of tiles out of tone

The Results

  • Model capable of identifying out of tone tiles with higher accuracy than expert (>0.95MBacc)

Solving quality control in ceramic tile manufacturing

24 Nov 2022



  • When checking whether a ceramic tile is in tone or not, a specialist visually contrasts the tone of the model tile with that of the pieces coming out of the furnace

  • The same printing settings can vary the final tone, as this tone is influenced by a multitude of variables that cannot be controlled (composition of the clay,humidity, convection currents in the furnace, etc.)

The Challenge

  • Our customer looked for a solution that could automatically identify whether apiece coming out of the furnace was in tone or not

  • Then, if the tile was not in tone, the colourimetric inputs were to be automatically readjusted, in order not to lose the production quality

The Approach

  • Tone quality model: algorithm that uses colour histograms to compare the piece coming out of the furnace with the model, and check with the error margins allowed in the control set

  • Print control model: Deep Learning model that changes the printing inputs when, due to some unidentified change, there is a set of tiles out of tone

The Results

  • Model capable of identifying out of tone tiles with higher accuracy than expert (>0.95MBacc)

Solving quality control in ceramic tile manufacturing

24 Nov 2022



  • When checking whether a ceramic tile is in tone or not, a specialist visually contrasts the tone of the model tile with that of the pieces coming out of the furnace

  • The same printing settings can vary the final tone, as this tone is influenced by a multitude of variables that cannot be controlled (composition of the clay,humidity, convection currents in the furnace, etc.)

The Challenge

  • Our customer looked for a solution that could automatically identify whether apiece coming out of the furnace was in tone or not

  • Then, if the tile was not in tone, the colourimetric inputs were to be automatically readjusted, in order not to lose the production quality

The Approach

  • Tone quality model: algorithm that uses colour histograms to compare the piece coming out of the furnace with the model, and check with the error margins allowed in the control set

  • Print control model: Deep Learning model that changes the printing inputs when, due to some unidentified change, there is a set of tiles out of tone

The Results

  • Model capable of identifying out of tone tiles with higher accuracy than expert (>0.95MBacc)

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