An Artificial Intelligence boutique, with a twist

Data & AI development subscriptions for everyone. Pause or cancel anytime.

An Artificial Intelligence boutique, with a twist

Data & AI development subscriptions for everyone. Pause or cancel anytime.

An Artificial Intelligence boutique, with a twist

Data & AI development subscriptions for everyone. Pause or cancel anytime.

Trusted by industry leaders

Trusted by industry leaders

Trusted by industry leaders

We empower businesses with artificial intelligence systems and data-driven strategies, capable of driving more revenue at lower costs.

We empower businesses with artificial intelligence systems and data-driven strategies, capable of driving more revenue at lower costs.

We empower businesses with artificial intelligence systems and data-driven strategies, capable of driving more revenue at lower costs.

We empower businesses with artificial intelligence systems and data-driven strategies, capable of driving more revenue at lower costs.

We empower businesses with artificial intelligence systems and data-driven strategies, capable of driving more revenue at lower costs.

We empower businesses with artificial intelligence systems and data-driven strategies, capable of driving more revenue at lower costs.

Subscribe to a plan & request as many AI developments as you'd like. We work as your dedicated AI team.

Subscribe to a plan & request as many AI developments as you'd like. We work as your dedicated AI team.

Receive results and data within a few business days on average, test models and deploy faster than ever with increased quality.

We'll revise the models until you're 100% satisfied. We can maintain them too for sustained performance.

We'll revise the models until you're 100% satisfied. We can maintain them too for sustained performance.

It's Rock-Solid Data Science & AI

Datarock replaces unreliable freelancers and expensive consulting for one flat monthly fee, with data & AI development delivered so fast that it will blow your mind.

Not Rocket Science, but Rock-Solid.

We're good at …

We're good at …

We're good at…

Generative AI

Deploy systems capable of answering questions such as: "I am the Ops. manager, are there any issues at the Seattle factory?"

Marketing mix modelling

Decode price elasticity of any given product or service, create the optimal channel allocation for maximising profit.

Customer retention

Predict who will convert and avoid losing customers at all costs by understanding who is more likely to churn.

What if analysis, explainability & Causal-AI

We hate black boxes, so we've created cutting-edge libraries to understand why does stuff happen, and what if something changes.

Generative AI

Deploy systems capable of answering questions such as: "I am the Ops. manager, are there any issues at the Seattle factory?"

Marketing mix modelling

Decode price elasticity of any given product or service, create the optimal channel allocation for maximising profit.

Customer retention

Predict who will convert and avoid losing customers at all costs by understanding who is more likely to churn.

What if analysis, explainability & Causal-AI

We hate black boxes, so we've created cutting-edge libraries to understand why does stuff happen, and what if something changes.

Default prevention & loan collections

Anticipate capital loss from defaults. Predict which default loans will be collected in the short term.

What if analysis, explainability & Causal-AI

Challenge us!

We hate black boxes, so we've created cutting-edge libraries to understand why does stuff happen, and what if something changes.

These are some of the problems we've worked over the past 4 years. Challenge us for anything else, you''l be surprised!

Challenge us!

These are some of the problems we've worked over the past 4 years. Challenge us for anything else, you''l be surprised!

Default prevention & loan collections

Anticipate capital loss from defaults. Predict which default loans will be collected in the short term.

What if analysis, explainability & Causal-AI

We hate black boxes, so we've created cutting-edge libraries to understand why does stuff happen, and what if something changes.

Challenge us!

These are some of the problems we've worked over the past 4 years. Challenge us for anything else, you''l be surprised!

Membership benefits

Membership benefits

Perks so good you'll never need to go anywhere else for your data & AI strategy. Seriously.

Perks so good you'll never need to go anywhere else for your data & AI strategy. Seriously.

Data & AI board

Add as many data & AI requests to your board as you'd like.

Lightning fast delivery

Get your analysis and models one at a time, faster than ever.

Fixed monthly rate

No surprises here! Pay the same fixed price each month.

Top-notch quality

Insane modelling quality at your fingertips whenever you need it.

Flexible and scalable

Scale up or down as needed, and pause or cancel at anytime.

Unique and all yours

Each model is made especially for you and is 100% yours.

You'll love the way we work

You'll love the way we work

You'll love the
way we work

Totally async

Don't like meetings? We don't either; so much so that we've outlawed them completely, except kick-offs and deliveries.

Manage with Notion

Manage your data & AI projects using Notion. View active, queued and completed tasks with ease in real time.

Invite unlimited team members

Invite your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track their progress. Add permissions with any hierarchy.

Totally async

Don't like meetings? We don't either; so much so that we've outlawed them completely, except kick-offs and deliveries.

Manage with Notion

Manage your data & AI projects using Notion. View active, queued and completed tasks with ease in real time.

Invite unlimited team members

Invite your entire team, so anyone can submit requests and track their progress. Add permissions with any hierarchy.

AI as you know is out the door.
AI as you need is just arrived.

AI as you know is out the door.
AI as you need is just arrived.

You'll love the
way we work



/ month

For Data Science & light models.

One request at a time

You'll export the data

Unlimited Data analysis

Unlimited AI models

Limited training power


Most popular


/ month

Advanced AI and deployment.

Everything in STANDARD, plus:

Data engineering & extractions

Production rollout in our cloud

Impact dashboard

Limited training power


Contact us.

Unlimited features.

Everything in PRO, plus:

Full AI team

Business Analyst

On-premise deployment

Unlimited training power



/ month

For Data Science & light models.

One request at a time

You'll export the data

Unlimited Data analysis

Unlimited AI models

Limited training power


Most popular


/ month

Advanced AI and deployment..

Everything in STANDARD, plus:

Data engineering & extractions

Production rollout in our cloud

Impact dashboard

Limited training power


Contact us.

Unlimited features.

Everything in PRO, plus:

Full dedicated AI team

Business Analyst

On-premise deployment

Unlimited training power



/ month

For Data Science & light models.

One request at a time

You'll export the data

Unlimited Data analysis

Unlimited AI models

Limited training power


Most popular


/ month

Advanced AI and deployment..

Everything in STANDARD, plus:

Data engineering & extractions

Production rollout in our cloud

Impact dashboard

Limited training power


Contact us.

Unlimited features.

Everything in PRO, plus:

Full dedicated AI team

Business Analyst

On-premise deployment

Unlimited training power

Things you might wonder

Things you might wonder

Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time AI developer?

Good question! For starters, the annual cost of a full-time senior-level AI developer now exceeds $130,000, plus benefits (and good luck finding one available). Aside from that, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy at all times, so you're stuck paying for time you aren't able to utilize. With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your AI developer when you have work available for them.

Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time AI developer?

Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?

How fast will I receive the output?

Who are the AI Engineers & Data Scientists?

How does the pause feature work?

What platforms and programming language do your work with?

How do I request Data analysis & AI models?

What about computing costs?

What if my data is not good enough?

How do your rollout a model?

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

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Be the first to learn Datarock's news

Data & AI as a Service

Trusted by Europe's biggest companies

Focused on impact
